Replus is a transparent company that aims to make known the manufacturing, assembly and other processes of our products. Watching our simple and didactic videos you can go from visiting a Passivhaus to seeing how, step by step, a mobile roof is assembled .




The days of dark homes, that have sadden 15% of the population for so long, have seen their end with the arrival of the perfect Replus window. The perfect Replus window is a triple-jointed, triple-glazed window with total finishes and an importante thermal and acoustic insulation. It integrates a heat recovery unit that renews and cleans the inside-air, resulting in a healthier atmosphere.

It is a safe window, with new hardware that even in its lowered position achieves an initial RC 2 and has an alarm system integrated into the preventive window which warns the home-owner before an intruder breaks in. This alarm system can be controlled from a mobile phone, tablet or computer.

Find out all about the high standards of the Passivhaus system; the system that aims for the best results in well insulated and safe windows that also protect from the sun! 



Does the term Passivhaus sound familiar to you? It is a standard for home construction. It is based on thermally insulating a home and so achieving maximum indoor air quality using the sun's energy for better air conditioning, reducing energy consumption in the order of 70%. Want to know more? Then watch this video.






Replus daily produces 400 windows and 5 mobile roofs. Nowadays, the raw material with which we produce our products comes directly from our plant in Stuttgart, Germany. We have a staff of more than 70 employees and over 200 distributors throughout Spain, Would you like to join the Replus family?




Would you like to renovate your windows for a better thermal insulation but you are afraid that replacing your old windows with new ones will be a complicated, dirty and long process? In this video you will be able to see first-hand how easy, clean and fast a Replus window installation is. Check it out!




Here at Replus we have been in the mobile roof market for years, with a turn-out of five high quality mobile roofs per day. Find out in the following step-by-step video and from the mouth of our expert assemblers, how a mobile roof is installed.




Replus is one of the few Spanish companies with three Passivhaus certificates. This certificate, of German origin, is renowned throughout the world because of the high standard of its building´s energy efficiency with almost zero waste. The European Community is pressing for the use, from 2020, of this certificate for all new residential and public buildings. In this interview you can meet a Passivhaus home-owner as he shares his experience.




In this demo of the installation of a Replus window you can see how quickly it is done using expansive tape. This is a multifunction tape made of a versatile material that manages to solve three levels of sealing and insulation in one step; it also meets the most demanding sealing and insulation requirements of main European regulations.

It is a very easy material to install and its continuous application on the entire joint surface provides a hermetic seal that prevents temperature loss and uncontrolled air currents. Like this, convection heat loss in buildings is considerably reduced and so are the energy supply bills. Less use of air conditioning devices causes smaller CO2 emissions into the atmosphere and therefore we help protect the environment.